Tech Bootcamps: Become Employable Faster Than Degrees

The Bulb Africa
3 min readApr 12, 2024


By Oyinkansola

You might be struggling to decide what path to go in learning tech especially now that the tech industry is full of innovation, constantly demanding new skills and fresh talents. While traditional degrees are valuable, they can often feel slow-paced and disconnected from the current needs of the tech space.

This creates the need for bootcamps. A boot camp is an accelerated education program that prepares students for employment, usually in tech. A boot camp is a crash course in whatever material is being presented, such as a specific coding language or other aspects of tech.

Bootcamps have risen in popularity in recent years due to a talent shortage in the tech sector and in this article, we’ll be exploring how and why you should join a bootcamp!

Learning by Doing: Why You Should Join a Bootcamp.

  • Hands-on Learning: Bootcamps emphasize a practical learning approach. You’ll learn by doing, working on real-world projects that build your portfolio and showcase your abilities to potential employers.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to a four-year degree, bootcamps offer a more cost-effective way to enter the tech field. The Bulb Institute, for instance, understands the financial barriers to education and offers scholarships to ease the burden.
  • Faster Path to a Job: Bootcamps are condensed powerhouses of learning, typically lasting 3–12 months. This allows you to launch your tech career significantly faster than a traditional 4-year degree program.
  • Career Support: Many bootcamps offer career services to help you land your dream job. This includes resume writing workshops, mock interviews, and access to a community of like minds to help you grow.

Is a Bootcamp Right for You?

Bootcamps are ideal for individuals who are:

  • Looking for a quick career change: If you’re looking to pivot into the tech industry, a boot camp can provide the necessary skills and knowledge to make a smooth transition.
  • Recent graduates: Supplement your degree with in-demand tech skills and increase your competitiveness in the job market.
  • Self-motivated learners: Bootcamps require a high level of commitment and dedication. Be prepared to work hard and immerse yourself in the learning experience.

Bootcamps at The Bulb Institute

Having trained over 5,000 successful students at The Bulb Institute, we believe in the transformative power of tech bootcamps. Our prestigious Bulb Fellowship program goes beyond basic skills training, offering a comprehensive and practical experience designed to make you a tech leader.

At the Bulb, you will learn from seasoned industry professionals who will guide you every step of the way, offering personalized career advice and industry insights. Our curriculum is vast with in-demand skills allowing you to choose what works best for you.

You will also collaborate with peers on real-world projects designed to mimic the challenges you’ll face in the workforce and build a portfolio that shines and showcases your ability to think critically and solve problems creatively — Read David’s Story.

The Bulb Fellowship: A Scholarship Opportunity

The Bulb Institute is committed to making tech education accessible. That’s why we’re offering a ₦10 million scholarship pool for the Bulb Fellowship program. This scholarship could significantly reduce your financial burden, allowing you to focus on mastering your skills and building a thriving tech career. Find out more about the scholarship program.

Ready to take the plunge into the world of technology? Consider enrolling in the Fellowship program at The Bulb Africa. Our program offers comprehensive courses and guidance, helping you kickstart your career with confidence.

Click here to register for the Fellowship program at The Bulb Africa



The Bulb Africa

The Bulb Africa is a platform for Africans leveraging technology. We provide training and incubation programs that help turn tech ideas into business realities.